Saturday, 19 July 2014

Things we learnt when travelling with a baby

Most of my friends in Singapore do not travel with their babies. It is a personal choice. We did not have a choice to begin with but it was also a conscious decision we made to want it this way, travel with our baby.

It definitely is not easy and can be really tiring. Why? Baby naps on the go and become awake when you are back in hotel for a rest. So? It means you need to entertain your baby instead of resting. But it is fun and rewarding to see your ever learning baby looking around curiously, absorbing every little details.

Things I/we learnt:

1. Travel slow.

We choose a good location for lodging and do walks more than transport. This gives us an option to head back for a rest in the afternoon and reduce the tiredness. When baby is happy, we are happy too! So we no longer think that resting is time wasted. With all these walks, we discover places that we would never see if we go by transportation, which is great and we know the roads so well that we do not need a map by the 2nd day.

2. Chill when you have a problem.

When you have a baby with you, you bound to meet a problem. Baby can be crying for no reason, you can't get to the place you want, etc. Personally, we experienced it in Oslo where we had to miss a ferry tour that we booked. Elson was mad, I was frustrated. At the end of it, we calmed down and chilled. Ever since, we learnt to chill more often.

3. Never join a tour

Joining a tour means you are bounded by its schedule. It is most of the time, rushed with no breaks in between. With a baby, we could not afford to be rushed. We joined a tour once, and never did it again. A better way would be to take the hop on hop off bus if there is where flexibility is in your own hands.

4. Choose a good lodging

You will spend more time in the hotel when you have a baby for sure. You take longer time to prepare to get out, head back for some rest, sometimes even dining in for dinner just because your baby is not happy. So we always choose a good location, and nice hotel/apartment.

5. Accept the fact that my baby will not be routine trained (more for me than for elson)

We are travelling so often that I do not bother to routine train my baby at all. Personally I do not have the patience to train and let it get disrupted with the travelling and start again when we get back home. So I have to accept the fact that my baby do not have a routine, and I need to go with the flow. This meant that my baby does not go to sleep himself and need my help, the day starts and ends whenever he wants, etc. Some parents could still follow the routine when travelling but I rather just have a rough guide and go with the flow. Personal preferences again. This also mean that I need to chill when I do not get to finish my itinerary for the day.

I think we learnt more than the above but my brain juice stopped flowing. So I will continue another day.

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