Tuesday 11 March 2014

Streets in Taormia, Sicily

Taormina is a small town sitting on the mountain in Sicily, but a rather famous one I think. Whenever I mentioned about Taormina to people in Malta, they would tell me that I must go to their famous shopping street, Umberto Corso.

After making a trip there last weekend, we realised it is indeed a pretty small town with the Italian signature one way roads at most places. Roads were pretty narrow there, but we were quite used to it as Malta is the same. Once you reached there, there is no need to drive around literally. Everywhere is within walking distance. But that of course depends on where you stay. We stayed in Umberto Corso street which is rather convenient. Review of the hotel is coming up next.

Parking is inconvenient there as everywhere is meant for residents ONLY. Visitors have to park at their public car parks. There are a few but you would really just park at either one of the 2 at both ends of Umberto Corso street.

Along Umberto Corso, there is a small square that acts like a viewing platform. The view there was great. Spend some time there enjoying the view or sit at a cafe to absorb the atmosphere. I am not sure if you could see sunrise or sunset there though. Will be nice if you can.

While you walk along the main street, do not forget to turn into those small alleys. They are everywhere. Restaurants, hotels/BnB and some shops are hidden right there.

I like the architecture of the buildings there. If you have more time, walk out of the main street. Or just drive one round around Taormina to check out other views and the different architecture.

Try their street food like the famous Canoli and arancini, not forgetting some gelato too! Sadly the most famous Canoli shop was not opened during our trip. It is hidden somewhere off the main street, near to Greek Theatre. Go to O'Sciality, near Catania Carpark, for a Pistachio gelato. It is AWESOME! Try to go for pistachio stuff as it is supposed to be the best in Sicily due to the fertile soil by the volcano lava.

Gelato with bread time!
Disclaimer: This is not the shop I recommended above. I tried both shops.

What a view!

How interesting that there is a church at the top of the mountain

The big square in the middle of Umberto Corso street where you get great sea view

Kyven got his name sewn on his new cap under 1 min

Small Alley that leads to some restaurants

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