Wednesday 5 December 2012

Catania Food Part III - Unknown Shop

We came across this shop while we were driving from Sheraton Catania to Centro Commerciale Katane. Check out the link to know more about Shopping in Catania.

The old traditional look of the shop, the traditional way the chicken were being roasted simply attracted us to do quick stopover for it. We just couldn't resist it. The shop gave me a very local feel. Sadly, I did not manage to get the name of the shop to share.

This is what attracted us. This can be easily seen along the road.

Catania Food Part III

We do not speak Italian, and the guy in the shop do not speak English. All we could do was to point and choose what we wanted. Language barrier.

Catania Food Part III: Choosing our food

I guessed we were early for lunch. I noticed lunch time in Italy is around 1pm, but we were there at 11am. There were a few Italians coming in to grab some chicken to go though. The display below reminds me of 菜饭摊 (mixed vegetable stall) in Singapore. I saw that the guys were still preparing more food in the kitchen for lunch crowd later.

We picked a breaded eggplant to go with our roasted chicken. There were so many other dishes that we wanted to get, but we stopped ourselves.

Catania Food Part III - remind me of mixed vegetable stall in Singapore

This is definitely a good change from the usual pasta and pizza that we were having. However, the chicken tasted just alright, was not as good as it smelt. Still, it was worth the stopover.

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