Wednesday 5 September 2012


A big thunderstorm hit Malta last Sunday and Monday. It was in the weather forecast, I am surprised that the forecast is so accurate.

According to locals, this is the first time in so many years they get thunderstorm, not even in winter. The guy who came to fix my satellite TV said "it's a Hurricane,not thunderstorm!" Haha!

By Monday, most roads were flooded, cars overturned, and a guy was struck dead by the lightning. Wind and rain were so strong that cars were moved, smashing against each other.
We forgot to close the windows in our kitchen and met a flooded kitchen at 6am on Monday morning. :( Our Internet was down whole night, luckily it was up the following day. But TV is still down till now.

Below are photos taken continuously in seconds apart just before the storm hit, and one of the damage found near by house.

Looking at the damage near my house, I can imagine how scary natural disaster can be. We do not get such thing in Singapore.

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