Wednesday 29 October 2014

Happy 1st Birthday My Boy!

This is a belated post. 1 year just flew past like that. My son is 1 year old now. I still clearly remember the day of going to hospital, going through labour and the moment he was born. I guess this is the reminiscing part that every mum goes through when their baby turn 1. My assumption.

Before showing his playground birthday party, let's do a recap of all his first!

First second on earth

First smile - 6 day old

Actually I am not sure if this is his first smile, let's assume so.

First car ride

First month baby shower 

First cheeky look

First ferry ride to Gozo 

First winter

First Christmas Party

First swim

First "Girlfriend"

First flight

First Chinese New Year in Singapore

First touch of snow & First time in Sicily

First time in Oslo

First summer

First gym class

First time on a swing

First time "driving"

First time in London

First time in an outdoor pool

First time in Barcelona

First birthday

Happy birthday my beloved son! Daddy and Mummy wish you happy and healthy forever! We love you!

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