Thursday 13 December 2012

Mandarin Thursday: Sentence Structure

As I mentioned in last Thursday's post, always start learning simple sentence. Let's focus on this today:

People - Time - With who - Place - Action

In the following example, we will start off with "People - Time - Action".


Let's add a place to the sentence:

Mandarin Thursday: sentence structure
Mandarin Thursday: sentence structure
我 今天 去 游泳池 游泳。
Wo3 Jin1Tian1 Qu4 You2Yong3Chi2 You2Yong3.
I Today Go/Went Swimming Pool Swimming. (Translate directly)


Let's add a With Who to the sentence:

我 今天 和Mary 去 游泳池 游泳。
Wo3 Jin1Tian1 He2Mary Qu4 You2Yong3Chi2 You2Yong3.
I Today With Mary Go/Went Swimming pool Swimming. (Translate directly)


Now you see how you can slowly add on and build up the sentence bit by bit, and learn new vocabulary in a easy repetitive way. Try it!

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