Monday 7 January 2013

Kopi or Coffee?

This is instant Kopi at home. Usually they do coffee powder in the shops.

In Asia, you can get cheap local coffee known as Kopi at most coffee shops and markets. Usually restaurants served coffee like the American/European way, brewed with milk and sugar. As a Singaporean, I take both types of coffee but prefer Kopi to Coffee.

I believe most people would know what is coffee, those that you get from Starbucks, cafes, restaurants. So what is Kopi?

Kopi is black coffee with condensed milk. There is a variation to this, known as Kopi-si. Kopi-si uses evaporated milk and sugar instead of condensed milk. So do be careful if you are in Asia, at a local coffee shop ordering coffee. The way that coffee is brewed is different too. There is no machine, only human being. Through a sieve where coffee powder is, hot water is repeatedly poured in and out between 2 empty containers. This is supposed to help bring out the flavour and fragrance of the coffee.

People I met in Malta are amazed that we take our coffee with condensed milk. First question they asked was, "Isn't it fattening to take with condensed milk?" "With that, how do Asians stay slim?" Very interesting question. I don't think a cup or two of Kopi will make one fat overnight. However, do note that it does contribute to the calories, between 75-130 calories per cup depending on the sweetness level. I discover further that condensed milk here are mainly used for desserts or cooking. Even the packaging of the can say so!

So do try Kopi in Asia with a limit to keep calories under control!



  1. Visited Malaysia in December 2012 for the second time. Love the Kopi (black with sweetened condensed milk).

    1. Glad yôu liked it. Personally I prefer Kopi-si.

  2. Hello Elson and Leng,

    You have a very nice blog. :) I really enjoyed all the pictures!

    I work at an English school in St. Julian's (, and I was wondering if you would be willing to write an article about our school for your blog. We could offer you a week of free General English classes, which we have available for advanced levels.

    Please let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you!

    Kind regards,

    1. Hi Stephanie,

      Sorry for the late reply as I was away. Currently I do no need English classes at the moment as English is one of my Native Language. Thanks for your offer.


  3. Hi Leng Tan,

    I'm so glad that I found your blog. It has been rather informative for someone who's still undecided whether or not to move to Malta. I still have a few questions about Malta and would appreciate if you could email me your contacts. My email address is

    Cheers fm Spore,

    N + M


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