Sunday, 12 August 2012

10 Steps to import dogs to Malta

Our dogs took their first maiden flight, from Singapore to Malta!
Plenty plenty of paper works, health checks, vaccinations. Full of excitements and anticipations!
What will happen to the dogs during the flight?Will they get plane sick and vomit?
Will they be cold?Many many question marks?????

10 Procedures if you are thinking of importing/exporting dogs.
(export country: Singapore, import country: Malta)

1. Documents. Check with veterinary department of both export and import countries on the health requirements. This is very important as some countries require quarantine for imported dogs. Normally, the requirements are rabbis vaccination within a certain period of time, some require blood test for rabbies, health certificate issued within 7 days of flying.
For Malta, tapeworm medication feed is required 24-120hours before exporting.

2. Veterinary Officer. 

Email the relative department of the destination for information. I emailed all documents to Malta veterinary department to make sure I have everything in place and got a approval signature before I fly off.

3. Airlines. 

Check with airlines on their requirements. Usually, their requirements are similar to veterinary departments. You will need to check with the airlines if they can accept your dogs before booking your tickets. Usually airlines will list down the requirements on their website. Some airlines do not accept certain breed.

My experience: Emirates refused my dogs as total flight journey will be more than 17 hours. Singapore Airlines refused my dogs as they are Jack Russell Terrier, they refuse all terriers. Lufthansa is the only airline, that accept my dogs as checked in baggage. (check out other airlines for different countries)
You can check airline cargo services too. We did check with Singapore airline cargo, however as they do not fly direct to Malta, we need to check them out at Frankfurt or Munich. This is too much of a hassle for us. We want to minimize the checking in/out to prevents problems.

Our final decision is to fly the dogs as checked-in baggage with me with Lufthansa.

4. Confirmation.  

After finalizing the airline to take, check with the airlines on the booking as not all aircraft has the space for pets. Do give them a call and check.

5. Crate for dogs:

All airlines have own requirements for the dimension of the crate. Follow it closely in case of rejection at the airport. A water bottle has to be attached to the cage during the flight. Feeding has to be able to be done without opening the door of the crate. We fed them 3hours prior to the flight and indicated no food throughout till arrival.

6. Get used to the crate:

Let the dogs get used to the crate 1-2weeks before flying. I had problem with their water bottle attached to the cage, as they did not drink from bottle before. It was a headache. Till the day of flying, they still can't drink from it. Let the dogs play around with the crate initially, slowly introduced to lock them up for few hours, to finally letting them sleep inside. Towels were put inside to give them comfort. Before flying, I put in my clothes to give them security and comfort.

Getting used to being locked up

7. Last Health Check: 
Last 7 days before flying, prepare last health check, certificate must be endorsed and produced by approved vet. I brought it further to let Singapore's AVA for endorsement of true copy of health certificate and vaccination certificates. Do make a few copies of it, one for attachment to the crate, one for submission at check-in counter at airport, one for final destination check.


8. At the airport.
 Remember to put them in the crate before entering the airport.

 9. During the flight.

Before boarding, I made a gentle reminder to the stewardess to remind the pilot that my dogs are in the baggage area as pilot need to set the temperature for them. During transit, I made a point to check with the counter that my baggages are all loaded to the connecting flight.


10. Arrival!
Our dogs arrived in Malta safely. The whole process at the custom was smooth. Phew!

They peed everywhere upon arrival at our house, after holding back for the whole journey. Oh well, they did well throughout the flight. They deserved a big hug!

We are now enjoying their company at home :)

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